


Bulgaria  - ЧДГ "Приятел на Детето" 

 Kindergarten “Child’s Friend” (a branch of Association "Child's Friend") is situated in the compound of the Bulgarian Academy of Science. We occupy a separate one storey building, surrounded by grass covered playgrounds with lots of flower bushes and fruit trees. Across the fence there is a well managed tennis court, where the children can play open air sportive games two hours daily. We work with 3 groups of children, formed by age / 3-4; 4-5 and 5-6/. The staff consists of 4 pre-school teachers/pedagogues, 2 English teachers, 2 actors /fully engaged/ and part time specialists in: music, drawing and dancing. We also have 2 ladies /hygiene personnel/. Most of our students are from families of scientists, or young PhDs working in the Academy of Science. Among the children we have a case of cerebral paresis, and a few with logopedic problems. Acceptance of other children is by parent’s choice.
Association "Child's Friend" and the Kindergarten host regular after school and weekend activity groups with children 7 - 12 years old, from different schools.
Our educative team involves well known Bulgarian writers, actors, artists, musicians and pedagogues. We work in close partnership with Bulgarian schools, from rural and urban areas, in the process of implementing the objectives of our European projects nationwide, consulting teachers and students of all levels. "Child's Friend" is engaging experienced artists, scientists and pedagogues,  working in the field of culture and education for preservation of traditional ethical an aesthetic values and further development of a strong sensitivity in regard to contemporary challenges such as ecology in the broader relevance to nature and more specifically - ecology of human nature, mind and soul.
Our main concern is to strengthen the fruitful links between generations, opening space for a better use of the expertise, knowledge and talents of experienced specialists, in lifelong learning activities with groups of children, young people and adults.  
Broadening the scope of the target groups, the Association collaborates locally with many Official Institutions, NGOs, minority organizations, institutions for people with disabilities and elderly. 
The Association is a member of the Children’s Museums Association “Hands ON International!” and of "Platform Intercultural Europe".

Pre-primary school

 Director :Tzvetana Platikanova

 Address: Krakra 19; 1504 -Sofia;


 URL: www.eufriend.eu 

 e-mail: childsfriend@live.com 

 Mob:+359 897958649



The Website Of The School:  https://eufriend.eu