We believe that pre-school and primary education are the seed that should be carefully nurtured to give fruit to the strong and healthy plant of personal development and human progress.

With the objective to enrich the teaching/learning process through the means of arts and lively games, we chose the ARTS to be the focal point for this project.

Our aims cover enhancing curriculum lessons by involving subject related creative projects (creative workshops, art clubs, interactive games and outdoor activities) developing imagination and ingenuity in children, and at the same time increasing the teacher’s role in asserting respect for knowledge, ethical values, team work and international collaboration.

The work process will be interwoven in lessons such as language, history, natural science, mathematics and of course in the curricular lessons of arts. Besides gaining greater freedom of expression and self-respect, children will develop skills in reading, story telling, drawing, modeling, singing and dancing.

Partners will maintain regular communications exchanging ideas, experiences and documents of the work process and the results achieved. 

Live performances of children, video recording and projections, exhibitions and presentations will take place in classes, school festivities and during partner’s meetings.

Guest teachers will demonstrate creation of short theatre events and thematic games with host school classes. The best examples of children’s Artwork (exhibitions, performances and festive Art club activities) of each partner school will be displayed to a broader public from the local community.

The final result will be made visible through the project Website, informative brochures and DVD compilations of video documented   work process and public events.

European Added Value

The project offers unique opportunities for getting teachers and children acquainted with the social and cultural achievements of other European countries 
The European dimension is pursued in two main directions: 
a/ Broadened information about  European art, artists, architecture, history, geography, lifestyle and increasing the children’s interest in them.
b/ Higher awareness of the own national roots, and other countries cultural heritage, language riches and natural beauties, which deserve love and respect for what they are, as an indispensable part of the European treasury.
The project presents a valuable source of enhancing and animating different curriculum lessons: Language learning, Natural science, Mathematics, History, Geography, Social science, Arts and other… It offers possibilities for increasing knowledge and elaborating of artistic and communicational skills. 
Students are offered the opportunity to reach a certain level of comprehension for the aesthetic value of different objects of art and of their self created items. They will learn to evaluate the moral, visual and emotional qualities of artifacts.
Each of the specified target groups will be taking part in events and activities, discover new resources and practices, methodologies and pedagogical tools, and most of all from the confirmed belief that culture and arts are not an elite extravagance of the past, but a natural human life standard.
The project outcomes, widely disseminated and advertised, will be distributed in forms and varieties easy to find and use. Information, documentation and illustrative material will be thematically classified, organized and packed in several types of format: Web based /Project web site/, CD, DVD, Illustrated albums, posters, brochures and educative tools and game sets. All those will be multilingual, and available for free use from any interested person or organization throughout Europe. 
The greatest benefit to all participating schools, teachers and pupils will be the achieved international collaboration. Friendship based on mutual understanding, support and respect will strengthen the feelings of affiliation to the European community.  
Working together with people from different cultural backgrounds involves a great deal of dialogue, communication and mutual  understanding. 
A broad range of (national) languages will be used by schools while working locally, but English will be the common language for international communications and meetings.